Thursday 9 March 2017

Male vs Female

Lately, sexism and feminism are very delicate topics to talk about. With just one wrong word you can get misunderstood and judged.

Women have been historically discriminated, no one can doubt it. They had to wait several years more than men to be allowed to vote and have some political voice. Although we have made some great improvements in order to achieve equality, women are still nowadays affected by traditional and sexist thoughts.

Politically, women have now (in developed countries) many rights they didn't use to have. But society old ideas are not changed as easy as laws. Women can find society trying to impose on them certain behaviours which they are expected to follow if they don't want to be alienated:

  • Women have to make them look pretty so men can like them. Wear makeup or you'll be ugly! But not that much whore!!
  • Women wear dresses and skirts. Not that long, boring prude. Not that short, naughty bitch.
  • You are a girl, you can't play football, that's a boy thing. You have to play with dolls. You should watch princesses films', stop watching those about fights and cars. You are a tomboy.
  • Hair is unaesthetic, you should shave all your body. You look gross if you don't save. No one will ever like you. On me it's different, hair looks great, the more the better, it proves how masculine I am.
  • She is always partying and she has a very active sexual live. She is a slut. Her friend has not ever kissed a boy or have a boyfriend, she is a prig.

These pejorative comments are not just directed towards women. Society criticises everything that's different. Boys can also suffer from this bullying due to several reasons like not being as masculine as they are expected to be, don't be as interested in girls as their friends or having a different sexuality, not liking or playing the popular sports (like football) all their classmates do, etc. But the true is due to historic reasons women can feel more pressured.

Yeah, we all know women have suffered long enough because of sexist attitudes, and we are trying our best to totally integrate and accept the figure of women in our society as an equal. But don't go further than that, don't make it the opposite. We are trying to achieve a society where all individuals are seen as equals no matter their gender, not making women superior than men in order to change the historic balance of powers. Men disrespecting women because they are women, and women disrespecting men because they are men, are both sexism.

Some of this "radical feminists" or "feminazists", those women who don't look for equality between genders but female supremacy: the ones who affirm that men are not discriminated because they are the ones who control society, the ones who say men have no problems at all, the ones who hate men, the ones who would like to set up a new society oppressing men this time, they are the ones who are bringing us a new kind of sexism instead of getting us rid of it.

I also want to demand the amount of men who are not able to see their children due to FAKE denounces about domestic violence. Some men hit their wives and can even kill them, this is horrible and it must be punished. Most of this denounces are real, I don't have a doubt about it. But some of them are not and it is very unfair a good father and husband who never did anything wrong is not allowed to see his own children because of a fake report. His life ruined by a lie? Yes, this sometimes happens. Some advocates recommend women who want divorce to demand their husband for domestic violence through it is not real. That's because justice usually acts slowly, and if you want a quick divorce the denounce make things easier. But... at what price?

I know what you are thinking right now. Society is so predictable. You are now thinking I'm sexist. But I'm not. I respect women. I fight for their right of equality. But I don't fight for the right of superiority of anyone. From my point of view, we are all equal and we all have the same rights.

Women have problems. Men have problems. Women are discriminated because they have been considered inferior all through history. That doesn't imply we have to make men feel inferior now. It means we have the duty to achieve a society of equality and freedom where women and men are treated equally and given the same opportunities. Erase your prejudices.

I have never understood what has to do your genitalia with the way you should be treated. I don't make a difference between boys, girls, men or women. I respect them all. I respect persons. I respect humans. No matter their gender. No matter what's between their legs.

/// I don't own the pics. I tried to select some to illustrate what I'm trying to explain through text. Since I wouldn't like to get misunderstood I'm gonna make my views clear in a summary paragraph:
I don't care about a woman's appearance, they are free to wear and do with their body whatever they want. I think they have the right to choose what they think it's better for them. I want them to be given the opportunity to keep studying at university. I demand the same salaries for them than men for doing the same amount of work, not less money. I want to give them help if needed with children to be able to construct their family. I want them to be accepted in society as they are, not imposed a model. I want them to be married with whoever they like no matter their gender. I want them to be happy and enjoy themselves. So please don't get me wrong. I respect all women and I fight for their rights. I consider myself a feminist. But feminism = equality, not female supremacy over men. I hope you can understand what I'm trying to express. Society seems not to have a middle-point: either man is superior to woman or woman are better than man. Can't we all be equal? I made this post because (though women are still sometimes discriminated due to their sex) I want to denounce the radicalism of some postures who claim they are feminism and to show society how sexism can be played both ways. ///